Plant Plus
Ecological cultivation of vegetables, flowering plants and fruits.Natural fertilizer to the roots of the plant.
- Natural biostimulator of growth and maturity.
- Protect from pathogens and diseases.
- Healthy growth and development of the plant by the power of nature.
Promotes soil fertility.
Belongs to the range of

Substantial increase of plant growth processes:
• Facilitates plant´s ability to capture and utilize radiant energy more efficiently.
• Significantly reduces harmful bacteria in soil = protection of plants from pathogens.
• Builds up a protective layer as a barrier against virus attack = protection of plants from pathogens.
• Production of specific enzymes and substances to enhance the plant resistance to diseases = healthy and robust plant.
• Makes the plant cell walls thickening, fibering and lignifying = healthy and robust plant.
• Can be used as natural pesticide for lawn, crop, vegetable, gardening plants and farming plants.
• Reduces the heavy metal content in plants.
• Effectively inhibits the degradation of soil, looses harden soil, improves saline-alkali soil.
• Enhances the ability of soil to keep water and nutrients.
• Avoids the soil problem caused by continuous cropping.
- Improves the dissolution and utilization rate of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorous,
- potassium, ...) by the plant = growth and maturity promotion.
- Enables quick decomposition of organic material in soil = natural fertilizer.
- Speeds uptake and distribution of macro and micro nutrients = growth and metabolic functions promotion.
- Enhances the root system = growth and plant maturity promotion.
• Facilitates plant´s ability to capture and utilize radiant energy more efficiently.
• Significantly reduces harmful bacteria in soil = protection of plants from pathogens.
• Builds up a protective layer as a barrier against virus attack = protection of plants from pathogens.
• Production of specific enzymes and substances to enhance the plant resistance to diseases = healthy and robust plant.
• Makes the plant cell walls thickening, fibering and lignifying = healthy and robust plant.
• Can be used as natural pesticide for lawn, crop, vegetable, gardening plants and farming plants.
• Reduces the heavy metal content in plants.
• Effectively inhibits the degradation of soil, looses harden soil, improves saline-alkali soil.
• Enhances the ability of soil to keep water and nutrients.
• Avoids the soil problem caused by continuous cropping.
Plant Plus is a natural biological activator for plant growth and maturity. Product serves as natural fertilizer, natural plant protector, plant improver and soil conditioner.
Application areas:
For soil and soil-less hydroponic farming/gardening:
Shrubby fruit (currants, gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, …)
Cereals, maize, sunflower, sugar beet, …
Tree seedlings
Plant Plus does not support plants from the cabbage family.
Multipurpose: Private and commercial applications.
Directions for use:
Vegetables, Flowers: Mix 4 g of Plant Plus product (per 1 plant) with 1 L of soil substrate. Mix thoroughly. Work the mixture under and around the roots of the plant.
Rooted plants: Drill 3 holes near the roots, fill them with 10 - 20 g of Plant Plus product, add soil and water.
Areas for sowing seeds: 5 g of the Plant Plus product per 2 L of soil, mix together. Or work
3 cm below the surface before planting a dose of 30 g of Plant Plus per 1 m2.
Particular application conditions for product:
To ensure successful treatment, keep to the recommended dose rates of Plant Plus.
It is necessary to incorporate the product into the soil and near to the root system of treated plants. A larger dose will not harm the plant.
Packaging: 100 g cardboard box, 500 g PE jar, 30 kg PE jar
Health & Safety:
Plant Plus should be handled under good housekeeping practices. The product contains naturally occurring non-pathogenic microorganisms, is nonflammable, biodegradable, non-toxic and safe for environment and for health when used as directed. See more information attached in the packaging. Store product in a cool, dry place.
Manufacturer: FINECON, s.r.o., Pri pekárni 5, 83106 Bratislava
ÚKSÚP certificate number: 1527
Application areas:
For soil and soil-less hydroponic farming/gardening:
- Vegetables (tomatoes, pepper, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, potatoes, leguminous plants, …)
- Flowers
Shrubby fruit (currants, gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, …)
Cereals, maize, sunflower, sugar beet, …
Tree seedlings
Plant Plus does not support plants from the cabbage family.
Multipurpose: Private and commercial applications.
Directions for use:
Vegetables, Flowers: Mix 4 g of Plant Plus product (per 1 plant) with 1 L of soil substrate. Mix thoroughly. Work the mixture under and around the roots of the plant.
Rooted plants: Drill 3 holes near the roots, fill them with 10 - 20 g of Plant Plus product, add soil and water.
Areas for sowing seeds: 5 g of the Plant Plus product per 2 L of soil, mix together. Or work
3 cm below the surface before planting a dose of 30 g of Plant Plus per 1 m2.
Particular application conditions for product:
To ensure successful treatment, keep to the recommended dose rates of Plant Plus.
It is necessary to incorporate the product into the soil and near to the root system of treated plants. A larger dose will not harm the plant.
Packaging: 100 g cardboard box, 500 g PE jar, 30 kg PE jar
Health & Safety:
Plant Plus should be handled under good housekeeping practices. The product contains naturally occurring non-pathogenic microorganisms, is nonflammable, biodegradable, non-toxic and safe for environment and for health when used as directed. See more information attached in the packaging. Store product in a cool, dry place.
Manufacturer: FINECON, s.r.o., Pri pekárni 5, 83106 Bratislava
ÚKSÚP certificate number: 1527
Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between a green plant and a fungus. It is a mutually beneficial relationship. The plant forms organic molecules through photosynthesis and supplies them to the fungus in the form of sugars or lipids. The fungus supplies the plant with water and mineral nutrients, such as phosphorus, which are taken from the soil.

Plant Plus
contains the active substance VAM, mycorrhizal fungal fibers and spores.
This active substance colonizes the root system of the plant, the grafted fragments penetrate the cell wall and the root system of the plant gradually expands and enlarges.
It creates a mutual coexistence with the plant.
This allows the plant to receive more nutrients and water from the wider environment.
The dense root system can retain nutrients and soil moisture more effectively. The result is accelerated growth processes and maturity.
Another advantage is that some fungi can mobilize soil minerals unavailable to plant roots. The result is an improvement to absorb minerals.

contains the active substance VAM, mycorrhizal fungal fibers and spores.
This active substance colonizes the root system of the plant, the grafted fragments penetrate the cell wall and the root system of the plant gradually expands and enlarges.
It creates a mutual coexistence with the plant.
This allows the plant to receive more nutrients and water from the wider environment.
The dense root system can retain nutrients and soil moisture more effectively. The result is accelerated growth processes and maturity.
Another advantage is that some fungi can mobilize soil minerals unavailable to plant roots. The result is an improvement to absorb minerals.
Biological Efficacy
The Central Agricultural Control and Testing Institute (ÚKSÚP) in Bratislava conducted the test of biological effectiveness of the
Plant Plus fertilizer. A field nutrition experiment was carried out in the soil area. Plant Plus was applied to the root on potatoes. On the basis of the final report from the experiment according to PP OPH No. 3/2022, the Central Agricultural Inspection and Testing Institute (ÚKSÚP) confirmed a higher proof of yield of potatoes:
+21.84% in the experiment 1/ and +24.01% in the experiment 2/ compared to the control samples.
Plant Plus received a permit from the Central Control and Testing Institute of Agriculture in Bratislava for use in organic cultivation in the SEPV system.
Organic farming is practiced in accordance with the following basic principles:
The Central Agricultural Control and Testing Institute (ÚKSÚP) in Bratislava conducted the test of biological effectiveness of the

+21.84% in the experiment 1/ and +24.01% in the experiment 2/ compared to the control samples.

Organic farming is practiced in accordance with the following basic principles:
- No use of synthetic chemicals in production.
- The use of biotechnical, biological and mechanical control methods in the control of diseases and pests.
- Using only natural substances to improve soil fertility.
- To be an agricultural production without causing depletion of natural resources.