Fish - Pond
Pond water Bioremediation by pure power of nature.For Freshwater lakes, Fish ponds, Decoration ponds, Aquaculture systems, Reservoirs, ...

Fish-Pond belongs to our

- Substantial increase of water purification processes:
- Reduces organic matter and inorganic substances (nitrogen, phosphorus) in water (takes the nutrients for algae proliferation) = prevents algae growth.
- Reduces BOD and COD = oxygene increase in water - no fish suffocation.
- Significantly reduces pathogenic bacteria = healthy fish.
- Improves water clarity.
- Reduction of malodours (suppression of anaerobic gas production H2S, NH3) = fish mortality prevention.
- Reduction of sediment sludge = saving cost for sludge disposing.
- Enhancement of fish immune system = fish mortality prevention.
- Improvement of nutrient utilization by fish = accelerated fish growth.
- Provides a better environment for fish and other aquatic life forms.
- Reduces the necessary water exchanges.
- Natural product – Bioenzymatic power of nature.

- Natural and artificial lakes.
- Fish ponds and other Aquaculture systems.
- Ponds and decorative ponds.
- Reservoires
- Waterways.
Directions for use:
Ponds, Fish-Ponds:
Starting dose: 1/2 scoop (10g) per m3 of volume.
Maintenance treatment dose: 0,5g – 3g per m3 of pond volume (1 scoop per 40 m3 – 7m3 pond volume). Apply solution of the product 4 to 8 times per annual season.
Application solution:1 scoop of Fish-Pond into 3 litres of lukewarm 25-30°C water (preferably pond´s own water). Stir and leave to activate 15 minutes. Stir again and spray/distribute equally onto the water surface (in case of bigger ponds the distribution should be made from a boat).
Exact dosage is depending on water quality, load of polution, pond volume, algae proliferation, annual season, water flow.
Garden and Decorative ponds:
Starting dose: 1 scoop (20g) per m3 of volume. Maintenance dose: 1/2 scoop per m3 of pond volume.
Apply 3 litres of solution 2x/month. Solution:1 scoop of Fish-Pond into 3 litres of lukewarm 25-30°C water (preferably pond´s own water). Stir and leave to activate 15 minutes. Stir again and spray equally onto the water surface.
Exact dosage is depending on water quality, load of polution, pond volume, algae proliferation, annual season, water flow.
Freshwater lakes:
Starting dose: 5g per m3 of lake volume.
Maintenance treatment dose: 0,25g – 3g per m3 of lake volume. Apply 4 to 8 times per annual season.
Application solution: 50g of Fish-Pond into 5-10 litres of lukewarm 25-30°C water (preferably pond´s own water). Stir and leave to activate 15 minutes. Stir again and spray/distribute equally onto the water surface preferably from a boat.
Exact dosage is depending on water quality, load of polution, pond volume, algae proliferation, annual season, water flow.
Particular application conditions for product:
To ensure successful treatment, keep to the recommended dose rates and apply the product

Water quality improvement (dissolved oxygene and water clarity improvement) usually after the second treatment. Algae control improvement, pathological bacteria control can be expected after one year of treatment. Toxic gases (H2S, HN3, mercaptants) control after 1-2 years of treatment.
The treatment time necessary for improvement depends on particular water polution conditions, sludge amount, algae and aquatic plants quantity, size of the water entity and flow conditions.
Multiple Bacillus species naturally occurring, non-engineered, aerobes and facultative anaerobes. Highly mobile, Positive chemotaxis, 100% stabilized bacterial spores.) giving a boosted synergistical effect.
Aspect: grey powder
Shelf life: min. 2 years in closed packaging at temperature 10ºC - 20ºC
Packaging: 500 g PE jar (boxes of 12pc), 30 kg PE jar
Health & Safety:
Fish-Pond should be handled under good housekeeping practices. The product contains naturally occurring non-pathogenic bacterial cultures and is nonflammable, biodegradable, non-toxic and safe, when used as directed. Keep out of reach of children. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water for 10 minutes. Do not breathe dust. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after each use. Store product in a cool, dry place.
Fish-Pond belongs to our

Responsibility towards your own health:
The polution of lakes, ponds and rivers by agricultural chemistry, toxins generated by some algae species, fecal matter and pathogenic bacteria presents a serious danger not only for aquatic life but also for anybody in contact with the poluted water. Many lakes are closed down for people or swimming there is perhibited.
The way to change this unhealthy state is to boost and significantly accelerate the natural Bio-enzymatic self-cleaning process by the concentrated power of

Moreover our beneficial microorganisms are much more powerful than harmful bacteria, able to take their nutrients. Dangerous bacteria die everywhere

We invite you to review your thinking:
Many freshwater bodies are subject to polution by agricultural chemistries (mainly Nitrogen and Phosphorous compounds), toxins generated by some algae species, fecal matter and pathogenic bacteria.
Poluted water is presenting enough nutrients for algae and aquatic plants to proliferate and reduce the oxygene in water to deadly level for fish and other aquatic life. The accumulation of organic sediments is highly increasing, giving rise to anaerobic toxic gas formation. Poluted environment favours the formation of pathogenic bacteria in water.
Our aim is to boost and significantly accelerate the natural self-cleaning process done by Nature on Earth (through millions of years) just to overcome the negative effect human activities are having on the environmental balance.
Fish-Pond contains concentrated beneficial all-natural microorganisms which can effectively break down organic matter, reduce the concentration of algae nutrients (N, P), restore oxygene level, reduce sediments and toxic substances. Fish-Pond can help to restore the water balance, limit fish mortality and enhance fish growth.
We can‘t survive without microorganisms!
There are lots of bacteria species that are very important for all living organisms on Earth. Your body is full of helpful bacteria – we could not survive without them. They grow and reproduce forming an equilibrium with your body and preventing the bad bacteria to grow (restricting their resources!).
Bacteria have learnt to live anywhere and so they have learnt to eat whatever to survive. Some bacteria eat the food we eat, because they live in our mouth or digestive system. Other bacteria can eat dangerous or harmful substances (like oil) or eat anything that is decaying – decomposing dead plants and animals.
Our job was to enhance these excellent properties and through natural selection develop powerful friendly bacterial strains capable to digest waste much more efficiently. The result is the product Fish-Pond, our clean-up army.
Large numbers of our microorganisms attach themselves to soil particles in the water and eat them off converting them to carbon dioxide and water. Beneficial microorganisms reduce sludge, algae and toxic substances. They improve the immune system and nutrient utilization of aquatic animals.
Responsibility towards your own health:
The polution of lakes, ponds and rivers by agricultural chemistry, toxins generated by some algae species, fecal matter and pathogenic bacteria presents a serious danger not only for aquatic life but also for anybody in contact with the poluted water. Many lakes are closed down for people or swimming there is perhibited.
The way to change this unhealthy state is to boost and significantly accelerate the natural Bio-enzymatic self-cleaning process by the concentrated power of
Fish-Pond product.
Bio-enzymatic products contain concentrated beneficial microorganisms that eliminate dirt/waste/odour directly at the place of origin - decompose dirt and consume it as their food.
Moreover our beneficial microorganisms are much more powerful than harmful bacteria, able to take their nutrients. Dangerous bacteria die everywhere
is applied.
Many freshwater bodies are subject to polution by agricultural chemistries (mainly Nitrogen and Phosphorous compounds), toxins generated by some algae species, fecal matter and pathogenic bacteria.
Poluted water is presenting enough nutrients for algae and aquatic plants to proliferate and reduce the oxygene in water to deadly level for fish and other aquatic life. The accumulation of organic sediments is highly increasing, giving rise to anaerobic toxic gas formation. Poluted environment favours the formation of pathogenic bacteria in water.
Our aim is to boost and significantly accelerate the natural self-cleaning process done by Nature on Earth (through millions of years) just to overcome the negative effect human activities are having on the environmental balance.

We can‘t survive without microorganisms!
There are lots of bacteria species that are very important for all living organisms on Earth. Your body is full of helpful bacteria – we could not survive without them. They grow and reproduce forming an equilibrium with your body and preventing the bad bacteria to grow (restricting their resources!).
Bacteria have learnt to live anywhere and so they have learnt to eat whatever to survive. Some bacteria eat the food we eat, because they live in our mouth or digestive system. Other bacteria can eat dangerous or harmful substances (like oil) or eat anything that is decaying – decomposing dead plants and animals.
Our job was to enhance these excellent properties and through natural selection develop powerful friendly bacterial strains capable to digest waste much more efficiently. The result is the product Fish-Pond, our clean-up army.
Large numbers of our microorganisms attach themselves to soil particles in the water and eat them off converting them to carbon dioxide and water. Beneficial microorganisms reduce sludge, algae and toxic substances. They improve the immune system and nutrient utilization of aquatic animals.
Responsibility towards your own health:
The polution of lakes, ponds and rivers by agricultural chemistry, toxins generated by some algae species, fecal matter and pathogenic bacteria presents a serious danger not only for aquatic life but also for anybody in contact with the poluted water. Many lakes are closed down for people or swimming there is perhibited.
The way to change this unhealthy state is to boost and significantly accelerate the natural Bio-enzymatic self-cleaning process by the concentrated power of

Moreover our beneficial microorganisms are much more powerful than harmful bacteria, able to take their nutrients. Dangerous bacteria die everywhere

Competitive Exclusion
The microorganisms in the
range of biological products work on a process called competitive exclusion. This process applies to all areas and surfaces where bad bacteria may exist such as floors, urinals, tiles, showers, waste water, etc. Bad bacteria can be dangerous for our health and are causing malodours through an insufficient degradation of organic matter.
The use of
products adds concentrated friendly bacteria into the system. These friendly bacteria immediately start digesting the food source and continue the digestion process for as long as the food source exists. The waste product from these friendly bacteria is carbon dioxide and water. The good bacteria take away the food source of the bad bacteria, outperform them and on this basis, the bad bacteria are quickly killed off.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is one of the most common measures of pollutant organic material in water. BOD indicates the amount of putrescible organic matter present in water. Therefore, a low BOD is an indicator of good quality water, while a high BOD indicates polluted water. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is consumed by bacteria when large amounts of organic matter from sewage or other discharges are present in the water. DO is the actual amount of oxygen available in dissolved form in the water.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
The chemical oxygen demand serves in particular as a sum parameter for quantifying the contamination of water with organic substances. It records both biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic substances, but also some inorganic substances.
Responsibility towards your own health
The use of disinfectants and chemical cleaning products in households is becoming a problem not only for the environment but even more for the health of humans. Our children lose the natural resistance against illness and on the other hand bad bacteria are becoming resistant to disinfectants and more dangerous to humans. Chemical cleaning products leave irritant unhealthy volatile residues in your living space and the cleaned surface might be irritant long after the cleaning. Such an environment is the cause of health problems.
The way to change this unhealthy trend is to rely on the time-proven Bio-enzymatic processes our Nature has been using (cleaning waste water, ground, air …) for millions of years.
Bio-enzymatic products contain concentrated beneficial microorganisms that eliminate dirt/odour directly at the place of origin - decompose dirt and consume it as their food.
Moreover our beneficial microorganisms are much more powerful than harmful bacteria, take all the nutrients. Dangerous bacteria die everywhere
is applied.
The microorganisms in the

The use of

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is one of the most common measures of pollutant organic material in water. BOD indicates the amount of putrescible organic matter present in water. Therefore, a low BOD is an indicator of good quality water, while a high BOD indicates polluted water. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is consumed by bacteria when large amounts of organic matter from sewage or other discharges are present in the water. DO is the actual amount of oxygen available in dissolved form in the water.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
The chemical oxygen demand serves in particular as a sum parameter for quantifying the contamination of water with organic substances. It records both biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic substances, but also some inorganic substances.
Responsibility towards your own health
The use of disinfectants and chemical cleaning products in households is becoming a problem not only for the environment but even more for the health of humans. Our children lose the natural resistance against illness and on the other hand bad bacteria are becoming resistant to disinfectants and more dangerous to humans. Chemical cleaning products leave irritant unhealthy volatile residues in your living space and the cleaned surface might be irritant long after the cleaning. Such an environment is the cause of health problems.
The way to change this unhealthy trend is to rely on the time-proven Bio-enzymatic processes our Nature has been using (cleaning waste water, ground, air …) for millions of years.

Moreover our beneficial microorganisms are much more powerful than harmful bacteria, take all the nutrients. Dangerous bacteria die everywhere

Fish-Pond micro-organisms reduce algae growth, malodour, pathogenic bacteria, sediment sludge and provide a better environment for a healthy fish growth.