
Plant Plus

Ecological cultivation of vegetables, flowering plants and fruits.
Natural fertilizer to the roots of the plant.

- Natural biostimulator of growth and maturity.
- Protect from pathogens and diseases.
- Healthy growth and development of the plant by the power of nature.

Promotes soil fertility.
Belongs to the range of  products designed to protect our health and the environment.

Fish - Pond

Pond water Bioremediation by pure power of nature.
Freshwater lakes, Fish ponds, Decoration ponds, Aquaculture systems, Reservoirs, ...

Fish-Pond enhences the purification of water, reduces sludge accumulation and algae growth,  removes bad smell and harmfull substances and promotes healthy fish growth.

 Fish-Pond contains concentrated, powerful, beneficial microorganisms that digest impurities and harmfull substances in the water. Periodic maintenance prevents deterioration of water quality, odour and fish kills.

Fish-Pond belongs to our range designed to protect our health and the environment through the Bio-enzymatic power of nature.

Bacti+ (2pcs)

Waste Water Cleaning by pure power of nature.
For Septics, Waste water stations, Cesspools, Latrines, Siphons, ...

Bacti substantially enhences the purification of waste water, eliminates bad smell, reduces sludge accumulation and ensures a healthy environment for yourself and everyone  living nearby.

Bacti contains concentrated, powerful, beneficial microorganisms  that digest all impurities in the waste water. Periodic maintenance results in healthy bacteria population in your system and prevention of organic waste build-up.

Bacti belongs to our   range designed to protect our health and the environment through the Bio-enzymatic power of nature.

Bio Cleaner (2pcs)

Removes dirt and odour on hard surfaces like floors, walls, WC, showers, bath, urinal, siphons, drains, waste bins and other surfaces.

Bio Cleaner contains concentrated powerful beneficial microorganisms  that eliminate dirt/waste/odour directly at the place of origin - decompose dirt and consume it as their food even in hard to reach places (joints, slits, porous materials, ...). The product provides a long-lasting cleaning and odor control. Moreover our beneficial microorganisms are much more powerful than harmful bacteria; take those nutrients and dangerous bacteria die. This process of Competitive exclusion reduces substantially the harmful dangerous bacteria everywhere Bio Cleaner is applied.

Power of Nature to clean your living and working space.

Bio Cleaner belongs to our    range of products designed to protect your health and the environment through the bio-enzymatic power of nature.

Stain+Odour Eliminator (2pcs)

Removes odour and stain (urine, excrements, sweat, vomit, smoke, food, ...) caused by humans and animals on carpets, upholstered furniture, textiles, curtains, shoes, pet beddings, ...

Stain+Odour Eliminator contains concentrated powerful beneficial microorganisms  that eliminate dirt/waste/odour directly at the place of origin - decompose dirt and consume it as their food even in hard to reach places. The product provides a long-lasting cleaning and odour control. Moreover our beneficial microorganisms are much more powerful than harmful bacteria take all the nutrients and dangerous bacteria die.

Removes stains and odours with the Power of  nature, no chemistry.
Stain+Odour Eliminator belongs to our range of products designed to protect our health and the environment through the bio-enzymatic power of nature.


Bio Kompost (2pcs)

Transform vegetable waste into quality compost.

Bio Kompost uses the nature´s Bio-enzymatic process to boost the composting of organic waste (hedge cuttings, branches, leaves, weeds, grass, plants, fruit and vegetable residues

Bio Kompost contains concentrated powerful beneficial microorganisms (friendly bacteria, fungi), enzymes and micronutrients to effectively accelerate the composting process, eliminate malodours and improve the quality of the compost.

Bio Kompost is saving time/ money and ensuring a healthy environment for inhabitants living nearby.

Power of Nature to transform vegetable waste into quality compost.


Fat, Oil and Grease Degrader

BIO GL200 developed for the maintenance of grease traps (GT) and drain lines. It reduces deposits and bad odours. It features the ability to work in an environment with low and high pH.
The product represents a further step in biological treatment technologies of drains and grease traps. It contains natural unique microbial cultures which rapidly degrade and digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
BIO GL200 uses the nature´s Bio-enzymatic process to reduce trapped FOGs (fat, oil, grease) in GTs and BOD in the effluent , maintain free-flow in drains, drain lines and reduce odours in GTs and drain lines. Product changes FOGs into water and carbon dioxide which run harmlessly down the drain.
BIO GL200 is saving money and ensuring a healthy working / living environment.

POWER OF NATURE to eliminate FOGs.